Vive Technical Institute

Vivek Granthalay, for the purpose of setting up of Technical Education Institute was striving for a suitable land. With lot of efforts, Granthalaya was allotted 10,167 square meters of land at Deonar (Govandi), Mumbai- 400072 by Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM).
A big celebration with Maa Saraswati Havan was done on the above allotted site by Shri Birju Bhayya - National President - Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh
Due to some technical reason, Granthalaya could not start construction activity at the above site and consequently, the land got into dispute with MCGM refusing to allow us to undertake construction.
Granthalaya, strongly opposed and filed a case against MCGB in the Honourable High Court, Mumbai where a stay was granted ordering maintain status quo. Granthalaya has hired reputed solicitor and counsel for the case and we are hopeful of getting favourable order for us.